James Haupert
James Haupert is founder and CEO of the Center for Homeschooling. He created the Center because of his commitment to sharing his passion for lifelong learning with homeschooling parents and their children.
He believes that the recently evolved online course technologies, combined with the new science of learning, provides breakthrough opportunities for teaching and coaching your child to become an expert learner. And to becoming a more complete and well-rounded adult.
James has been involved in many aspects of education throughout his career. After earning his BA in Education, he taught Chinese and Russian history at the high school level. After completing his MBA, he managed training departments for a major airline and then for a mainframe computer company in Silicon Valley. After these, he started a consulting company that has trained over 10,000 managers and executives in management disciplines and organizational behavior. At the same time, he also was an adjunct professor in the Graduate school of Engineering at Santa Clara University for 13 years, and holds a California college instructor credential.
James has over 20 years of experience as an executive coach and believes this provides a wealth of great ideas for parents. This breadth of experience provides a wealth of tools and ideas on how to grow your children’s capacity to think, reason, problem-solve, and rapidly learn. He brings “out of the box thinking” to parents, drawing upon best practices from many disciplines – including project management, process improvement, change management, and organizational development. The field of organizational behavior contributes many key ideas on how parents can transform your children’s mindsets about learning.
He also serves as a content expert on parent coaching, constructive conversations, and behavioral assessments, and is also an instructor at the Center.

Learning how to learn is something everyone should know – too important for child development to be neglected.
Our Courses Endorsed by a Noted Neuroscientist
I met James in 2011 when Becton Dickinson, the company I was serving as Vice President, offered me to have an executive coach. James and I have stayed in contact ever since. He has provided me invaluable advice and helped me navigate complex situations that required a veteran in the field of social interactions and lifelong learning.
I’d like to fully endorse the Center for Homeschooling as an innovative resource that has lots of important and useful ideas on learning and teaching. Reviewing the online courses that are offered I noticed the solid design and scientific rigor to be expected from James, now a hallmark of his entire team.
The courses are sound and useful. They are well designed and can be a valuable resource for you and your children. Learning how to learn is something everyone should know – too important for child development to be neglected. The goal of creating a lifelong learning mindset for your children is important. Critical thinking and learning are essential to the future of your child.
Finally, I’d like to praise James for his commitment to serving for a higher good. You will not find someone with the background, experience and core motivation to help you with homeschooling and beyond, providing your children with leadership traits that will last throughout their lifetime.
Oscar Segurado, MD, PhD, parent, neuroscientist, and immunologist. He is author of the book: Mindful Framing. www.mindfulbook.com

It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves, that will make them successful human beings.
-Ann Landers
Our Mission
The Center for Homeschooling is committed to serving the homeschooling community by providing a wealth of new ideas that support better learning and teaching.
We exist to help you reach the all-important goal of creating kids who are college ready. Confident and expert kids who know how to master independent study at high levels.
We will do this through powerful, engaging, and convenient online courses that teach you how to teach your kids the skills they need to be much more effective and efficient learners. Kids and young adults who have great capacity to learn and remember hard things.
We serve by making it easy to become much more confident and expert homeschooling teachers who lead dynamic home classrooms filled with great learning experiences. We will share with you the methods and know-how of master teachers in ways that fit with your busy schedule.
We make great ideas more accessible. We take the complexity out of the science of learning and teaching and translate this into easy to use ideas you can tailor to your home school.
We will grow the Center for Homeschooling as an online community for homeschooling parents, and your kids, along with experts and supportive experiences on accelerated learning, smart teaching, and better study coaching. A place where we can all share useful knowledge and information on how to make homeschooling education a truly great experience for your kids.
Our mission is to you show you how to have deeper and more productive conversations with your kids about learning and studying that motivate and guide. And we want you to have all the tools you need to encourage and support them to becoming Superlearners.

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”
– Alvin Toffler, futurist and author
How the New Science of Learning Helps Your Family
As a homeschooling parent, you have made the choice to take control of your child’s learning experiences. You have chosen this challenging assignment to take a more direct role in preparing your child for the future. You want to provide your child with the skills and passion for learning, so their future is assured.
We are the Center for Homeschooling and we are here to help you help your children become college-ready expert learners. We do this by teaching you how to improve your child’s independent learning skills, and also by helping you to become a more effective instructor.
We know you are already too busy. But there is a wealth of new information you need to know to help you make learning easier and save you considerable time – and we want to share this with you. You cannot afford to miss the opportunity to improve your child’s learning through better science-supported methods.
A new field, called the New Science of Learning, has evolved from neuroscience, cognitive sciences, educational psychology and other disciplines which provides exciting new opportunities for homeschooling parents. This opens exciting possibilities for you which include:
- Faster and more efficient student learning
- Your kids remembering and recalling information better
- Improving your teaching effectiveness and confidence
- Saving you teaching time by reducing unnecessary re-teaching and review
And many other benefits.
You can accomplish your homeschooling goals with less effort and better use of your time. Kids will learn more, better, and faster with superior learning strategies and techniques. We can help you realize these compelling promises by understanding the science of learning.
“Learning How to Learn” is the key skill for your child’s future. In a world of ever accelerating change, the advantage goes to those adults who possess advanced learning skills. The Center for Homeschooling will help you prepare your child for this world as a complete 21st Century learner.
Don’t let your child be left behind in college and life with average learning skills and strategies. The future belongs to those who become expert learners.
Our expertise and experience in learning, teaching, coaching, and memory is shared with you through convenient online courses will deliver on this promise. Learn how to deploy smarter learning practices starting today!
For more information on how to improve your child’s learning strategies, go to the Getting Started page or sign up for the Pa 10 course: Improving Your Child’s Learning Power.

A capacity for high learning is important to becoming a well-rounded and competent adult.
We Exist to Serve a Great Purpose
We are committed to serving parents by helping your children to become Lifelong Learners. This is an important aspirational goal for many important reasons.
The ability to do these two things has become increasingly important:
- Learn difficult things and
- Learn to do these efficiently and quickly
These are two highly-prized attributes in the new economy, where technological change keeps accelerating, and good jobs require mastering more complex tasks. Adults who have the knowledge and skills to do these things well will be highly sought and will capture a permanent advantage in the job market.
Some experts predict that your children, if now in middle school, will change careers as an adult between 12 and 15 times! They will need to develop learning mastery to take advantage of this reality. This underscores the vital relationship between gaining command of sound learning techniques and successful future careers.
Also, possessing these capabilities, and the confidence that goes with them, provide many personal advantages. The knowledge gained through enhanced learning capacity makes daily living easier, more rewarding, and more joyful. It can improve citizenship and is part of the foundation to becoming an effective parent.
A capacity for high learning is important to becoming a well-rounded and competent adult. It does more than improve knowledge – it allows your children to take control of their own destiny. The world is full of many wonderful and interesting things that can be enjoyed and appreciated much more with a heightened ability to learn about them, or have mastery of them.
Our Commitment to Homeschooling Parents
Everyone recognizes homeschooling is hard. But – this is the key — it can be made much easier. We will help you do this.
We understand the many pressures and difficulties of being homeschooling parent and have worked with homeschooling parents to develop our programs. We know that your commitment to this important endeavor can be made more efficient, and more effective, through the introduction of powerful new learning study skills installed in a planned and flexible way.
Our commitment to you is to provide programs and courses that are effective, fun, productive, innovative, and easy to install by homeschooling parents.
Learning How to Learn
Why you need this: Most people don’t understand how learning really occurs. When your child knows how, he or she will be able to select much more effective strategies for learning.
It’s shocking to think about how little attention we devote to the science of learning, especially when we consider how long this knowledge has been around. Most schools do not teach the science, and most of us as adults weren’t taught it so we can’t pass it on to our kids. Because all of us have a reasonably minimal capability to learn things, it seems to work OK so we don’t tend to think much about how we might do it better. Except when our limited skills suddenly become inadequate, such as when we enter a college environment, get promoted, or find our jobs outsourced to a machine. By then, when confronted with allot to learn in a short period of time, we discover it’s a little late to start developing better skills.
Lets’ face it, the term “learning how to learn” is lacking in sex appeal. It’s something we pass over as “I know it when I have to do it.” And yet in a world of constant and disruptive change, the ability to learn rapidly and efficiently is a highly valued and potentially life-changing capability.
The skills of learning how to learn are important and should not be pushed behind academics. Expert leaning skills are worth it. They enable college-readiness and open broad life horizons and career choices. And they are not that hard to teach when you have a resource to support you.
As a homeschooler, you emphasize academics and hard work. You strive to improve your child’s knowledge and mastery of many subjects. Don’t neglect teaching this vital capability. Don’t stop with a few pointers on how to study, dig down and get into the world of evidence-based learning strategies. Some are covered in this mini-library. Learn more about them, and then help your child learn how to turn them into every day study practices.
Approach “learning how to learn” as an important discipline you teach and coach that warrants practice and effort to master. Student who are expert and confident learners are much more likely to be successful in college-and life.

How Do You Create College Readiness?
The Center for Homeschooling is highly committed to helping you prepare your child to be college ready. What does college readiness really mean? And what’s important for you to know that you haven’t already thought about?
There are many components to college readiness beyond the academics. The one that is really important, and most often overlooked, is what we help you focus on. It has to do with building a greatly expanded capacity to learn, and the capability to do this at a much harder level.
Successful academic work at the middle or high school level is often confused with the capacity to do college level work. These two are very different. Tomorrow will be different from today.
You might question, “Why expand my child’s learning capacity if she is already a good student?” Because most learning at the college level comes from independent study and projects. The classroom only sets the stage, the rest is up to the student.
College students with merely average learning skills and methods will find themselves at a great disadvantage because of the degree of difficulty of the subject matter and the higher workloads. The reality is that most kids don’t know how to use better strategies and will struggle when confronted with higher level work.
What’s missing is the skillset of the student knowing how to manage his or her own learning. |
The good news is that better study strategies are teachable and learnable. They can be readily acquired with student practice and your support.
We believe the best way you help your child become college ready is to focus on those skills that enable them to do successful work once there. This should your area to focus on. Of course, it’s useful to teach self-discipline, time management, and good planning. Then there is the big one – the study strategies your child uses to remember, retain, and retrieve information. Students who know how to use better learning strategies become faster learners and can more efficiently handle the higher workloads.
Cal Newport, college professor and author of Deep Work, researched what makes for success in college. In his well-known study, he observed that “A” students were not smarter than “B” students, the difference was they used better learning strategies. It’s not how smart you are, it’s what you know how to do.
While college is still well beyond your horizon, start early by working with your child to support and encourage the use of better evidence-based strategies and encourage these until they become deeply ingrained habits.
Our mission is to help you learn what these are and how to encourage and support their use.
We understand for many parents it’s easy to overlook independent study in your emphasis to master subject matter, so we decided to make it easy to help your child with this. We’ve got the courses that give you the tools to help your child begin using better strategies.
This more complete definition of college readiness makes sense when you think about it this way. The person who has the superior tools, and knows when and how to use them, will always end up doing the better job. And in less time. Always.
This is also true for your kids and the skills of learning how to learn! Give them better tools to expand their capacity to learn! That’s where the real college readiness resides.
We’ve got the courses that will show you how to help your kids get ahead. Take a look at the possibilities. There are also lots of great tools created for you that you can download in the parent resources section. We hope to see you there!
There is a more detailed examination of this topic in our free parent resources section – Creating College Readiness.