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I think summer provides an opportunity to turn your homeschooling upside down – why not center learning on an out-of-the-box learning challenge that has the power to make this summer uniquely different? Challenge your child to go much deeper into one subject or skill for a month or two where the child can work at her own pace to get much better and more knowledgeable and skillful.

Your kids should know the Pomodoro Technique for two reasons - it is not only one of the most powerful learning strategies, but also it is remarkably simple to do. College students are enthusiastic users who swear that it makes them much more effective at learning and working.

College-readiness is more than checking off items on the college admissions criteria checklist. It requires expanding the learning capacity of the child to prepare them to perform the college-level work of the future.

We know Ben Franklin and a founding father of our nation. He was also a scientist, inventor, diplomat, publisher, and writer whose words are still widely read more than two centuries later. And we may know he became one of the most admired writers of early America.
But did you know he started as only a mediocre writer? Let’s learn how he taught himself to become a great writer! Look for some good ideas in this reading you can practice at home.
But did you know he started as only a mediocre writer? Let’s learn how he taught himself to become a great writer! Look for some good ideas in this reading you can practice at home.

What can Oprah teach us about homeschooling? Yes, that Oprah and she has a valuable lesson. Who wouldn’t want to learn from her? This useful idea can be easily added to your homeschool instructional toolkit.

Improve your teaching power with these proven techniques! Bring the secrets of master teachers into your home classroom.

6 Useful Tips for Motivating Teenagers
November 29, 2021 Blog, Featured Blog
How can a smart parent (like you) help your teen to stay motivated in his or her studies? It comes from your ongoing conversations to help them see a bigger picture.
Critical Race Theory Educational Worksheet
October 25, 2021 Blog, Featured Blog, Teaching Tips and Mini-Lessons for You
Use this worksheet to organize your talking points then hold a conversation or mini-lesson on critical race theory.
Teaching Self-Reflection Checklist
October 20, 2021 Blog, Featured Blog
Join me in self-reflection before each lesson. Experience the value of pausing and engaging in deeper thought before you teach.
Book Review: Uncommon Sense Teaching
September 2, 2021 Blog, Featured Blog
Uncommon Sense Teaching explains learning from a neuroscience perspective, but in easy-to-understand terms that you can apply to be a better instructor of most anything.
Discover Student Journaling
August 20, 2021 Blog, Student Resources
Use this student journaling worksheet to evaluate your study efforts each day. Think how you can work smarter!