We’re here to make your world of homeschooling easier! To help you bring the amazing power of the new science of learning into your home, we’ve created lots of easy to access and quick to implement “how to” guides and power tools in our parent resources section. We keep adding new resources all the time.
That’s why we want you to download lots of great content to use at home, including new ideas from our sections on college readiness, coaching tools for deeper conversations, teaching tips, and powerful memory techniques.
Please help us spread the word! When you find something useful, please forward it to a homeschooling friend. Help us unleash the science of learning to broader communities. We welcome your feedback on how you are using them and other suggestions for things you need to supercharge your homeschooling. We are in this together and we need your support!

A powerful article from one of our favorite authors – Benjamin Hardy. How you can help your child to live his or her dreams.
There are lots of really good tech solutions for homeschoolers that you should be using. Flashcard apps are great tools to help you child remember large amounts of information.
Retrieval practice is one of your best learning power tools. Check out this short explainer video on it. 3 minutes.
Do you have issues with procrastination? Tim Urban has a great way to help you understand and deal with it.
This interesting research shows that college academic success is the result of the passion for learning and self-confidence, not love of schooling.
Written by Pagan Kennedy for The New York Times. The concept of lifelong learning is very real! Your children don’t have to lose their ability to learn and create as they get older. Did you know that the average age of those who file significant patents is over 55? Read about this amazing late blooming 94 year old genius.
Written by Benny Lewis for fluentin3months.com. Benny Lewis explains why official estimates on the time to become fluent in a new language are mostly wrong, and too high.
Learn about two core abilities for your children thriving in today’s economy: Mastering hard things quickly; Producing at an elite level.
Written by Cindi May for Scientific American. This article provides a good example of how the science of learning affirms many of the practices that you use.
Written by Belle Beth Cooper for Fast Company. We love this article on how easy it can be to change some basic habits. The author talks about proper habit formation. 10 minutes.
Want to learn five techniques to help you speak any language? Watch Sid Efromovich’s TEDx talk.
Gain more information to share with your child on memory. Idriz Zogaj’s TEDx talk on “How to become a memory master.” We share his belief that these skills should be taught to everyone.
Help your child understand the gift of the amazing human brain. Dr. Laura Boyd’s TEDx talk on the brain and neuroplasticity and why you have the power to shape the brain you want.