We’re here to make your world of homeschooling easier! To help you bring the amazing power of the new science of learning into your home, we’ve created lots of easy to access and quick to implement “how to” guides and power tools in our parent resources section. We keep adding new resources all the time.
That’s why we want you to download lots of great content to use at home, including new ideas from our sections on college readiness, coaching tools for deeper conversations, teaching tips, and powerful memory techniques.
Please help us spread the word! When you find something useful, please forward it to a homeschooling friend. Help us unleash the science of learning to broader communities. We welcome your feedback on how you are using them and other suggestions for things you need to supercharge your homeschooling. We are in this together and we need your support!

Why not center learning on an out-of-the-box learning challenge that has the power to make this summer uniquely different?
Lead a fun learning exercise watching a favorite movie you already know and use it as a study case in taking notes.
Your Self-Scientist Credo states how you and your child will go about improving your child’s learning strategies.
One of the major objections that parents face is the self-limiting beliefs your child can hold about their own capabilities to learn hard things.
If you have heard statements like, “I’m not smart enough to learn math,” or “This subject is too hard!” or “I wish I was smart like so and so,” then you should recognize you need some supporting information to counter these points of view. Use these points as talking points to counter negativity.
Most homeschooling families place an emphasis on strong family values. We think every family should have strong written statements about those things that you feel are most important.